Phil Hyde
Paediatric Intensive Care
Dr Phil Hyde is a Paediatric Intensive Care Consultant at University Hospital Southampton and holder of a Research Leaders Programme (RLP) award.
His research interests focus on developing a national clinical audit of pre-hospital critical care.
Assessing critical care provision before patients reach hospital
Dr Phil Hyde has worked as a consultant on the paediatric intensive care unit (PICU) at University Hospital Southampton since 2010. He has also worked as a pre-hospital consultant for Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance since 2013.
Phil started his RLP fellowship in 2022, with the aim of developing a national clinical audit of pre-hospital critical care to serve as a national collaborative asset. The programme, based within the University of Southampton, is called the ‘Pre-Hospital Research and Audit Network (PRANA).
PRANA aims to provide a secure and confidential, high quality clinical registry of pre-hospital critical care activity in the UK. Crucially, this registry will be linked to existing national audits of critical care, trauma and out of hospital cardiac arrest as well as NHS longitudinal outcome data. PRANA will support operational analysis, service evaluation and clinical audit and provide a basis for research and development. The intention is to improve patient care with the support of data.
Developing a collaboration to deliver a national audit
Phil will use his RLP fellowship to create a new collaboration to develop and deliver the national clinical audit of pre-hospital critical care.
“The RLP provides a wonderful opportunity for Southampton to drive forward a network of pre-hospital care providers to link pre-hospital care data with NHS longitudinal outcomes,” Phil explains.
The Southampton team are led by the University of Southampton’s Mike Hepburn from the Centre for Healthcare Analytics in the Southampton Business School, Professor James Batchelor in the Clinical Informatics Research Unit and Professor Chris Kipps within University Hospital Southampton.
“PRANA is expected to contribute to systematically improving critical care for NHS patients before they reach hospital,” says Phil.
“The PRANA programme also aims to generate prevention intervention targets by identifying poor prognostic factors within the national dataset.”
PRANA is a case exemplar supporting the evolution of Secure Data Environments in Wessex and the South of England. Important developments in the use of secure data environments for patients, federation of data and system integration are being achieved through the PRANA programme.
Phil is enjoying working closely with the Southampton team and learning from the excellence within the Southampton Academy of Research.